Beetroot Powder 100g
Beetroot Powder, Organic Spices, Spices, Certified Organic Spices, Chemical Free Spices, No preservatives, No Added Colur, 100% Pure, Authentic Taste, 100% Pure, Naturally Grown Spices,
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₹ 180.00 ₹189
- One beetroot a day can keep the doctor away.
- Our delicious Organic Beetroot Powder is low in calories and packed with vitamins, minerals and plant compounds that are essential for your wellbeing.
- Our Organic Beetroot Powder is made by dehydrating ripe and fully mature beets to have maximum nutrients.
- Rich in fibre, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and nitrates
- Helps improve circulatory functions, keeps blood pressure in check, fights inflammation, improves digestive health, increase insulin sensitivity, and relieve symptoms of diabetic neuropathy.
- This powder is great for juices, smoothies, curries and soups.
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