Wheat flour is rich in catalytic elements, mineral salts, calcium, magnesium, potassium, sulfur, chlorine, arsenic, silicon, manganese, zinc, iodide, copper, vitamin b and vitamin e. This wealth of nutrients is why wheat is often used as a cultural base or foundation of nourishment. Natureland Organics foods whole wheat flour is processed from selected, high protein, high gluten, soft wheat grains containing the entire essential parts i. E. Germ, endosperm and bran and grounded by experts in traditional stone chakki to deliver the same rich balance of nutrients that are found in the original grain, rich in dietary fibers, low in total fat, no saturated fat no cholesterol and 0 percent trans fat. Its promising wholesome flavor, aroma and taste will take you on healthy and tasty journey to bliss of organic food. Relish the taste. Maximum Shelf Life: 6 Months. Is Perishable : No
Manufacture By NatureLand - Natureland Organics is an Organic food brand that is valorously working today on the concept of farm to fork. Started by two agriculturist brothers Ajeet Godara and Arvind Godara in the year 2002, the venture was conceptualized for assisting the farming community and for improving the farming yield.The company makes available high-quality Organic products at cost-friendly prices as there is complete control over the farm to fork cycle.